In accordance with government eco-friendly regulations, Hotel Riverview Taipei no longer providing disposable toiletries from 1st January,2025. (Toothbrush, combs, shower caps, razors, slippers)
Palm Garden Café on Ground Floor
Admiring the continuous greenness outside the windows and listening to elegant and romantic soft music inside the raised glass curtain landscapes creates the modern yet simple sentiment of this café. The café offers various types of mixed beverages, light food and afternoon tea. It is spacious and has comfortable seats, it is a place for guests to comfortably chat or talk business with one another without pressure.
Opening hours: 12:00-20:00
Reservation Tel. No.: 02-2311-3131 Ext. 8238
Note: Service fee will be charged if you bring your own alcohol and beverages; NT$300 per bottle of juice and common red/white wines; NT$500 per bottle for spirits. The last call for meal orders is 30 minutes prior to the end of the opening hours.